What is Technofeudalism, and are we moving towards it?

The future of power and control in a digital age

Stars Insider

8 hours ago | StarsInsider


In a not-so-distant future, imagine Google bidding for city sanitation and sewage contracts; with their high-tech, sensor-filled trash cans, trucks, and pipes, Google can collect valuable data from society's waste. The tech giants aren't just tracking our preferences, habits, and choices anymore—they're also using that data to steer our future decisions, which makes us more valuable to them but less so to ourselves. Welcome to the long-feared world of cybernetic control, where feedback loops manage the population automatically—no real choices needed.This dramatic vision aligns with the "technofeudalism" theory, suggesting that Big Tech has replaced 21st-century capitalism with a new economic system. Is it something we should be worried about? Click through to find out.

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