What is the "mark of the beast," and has it been deciphered?

Beyond 666

Stars Insider

29/08/24 | StarsInsider


You're probably familiar with the number of the beast. According to the Bible, that number is 666. This is, however, not a stand alone number—the number of the beast is associated with a mark. But while we know what the number of the beast is, when it comes to the "mark of the beast," things get a bit more vague. Sure, the Book of Revelation gives us a few clues, but what exactly constitutes the mark of the beast is still  up for debate.

Throughout the years, there have been a few things  people believed to be the "mark of the beast." Some of these, in fact, are used by many of us in our daily lives. So, curious to find out more about what the mark of the beast is and whether or not it has been deciphered? Then click on!

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