How to know if you’re ready for a pet

Some food for thought before you take the leap

Stars Insider

29/07/24 | StarsInsider


Most of us grew up dreaming of getting a puppy or kitten for our birthdays. Today, many of us are still holding on to that dream. Indeed, the unconditional love and affection of a cuddly animal is a priceless gift, and it’s easy to imagine all the happiness a furry friend would bring us. However, it’s important to evaluate the considerable needs of the animal before jumping in.

Choosing to take care of an animal for the rest of its life is a big responsibility. Our pets are incredibly vulnerable and rely on us for food, shelter, health care, exercise, companionship, and love. If you get a cat or dog, they could be a major part of your life for more than a decade. So, are you ready to start that journey?

Click through the following gallery for some expert advice.

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