How to create a rooftop garden

Make the most of your outdoor space

Stars Insider

16/09/24 | StarsInsider


No matter if we're avid gardeners or not, most of us would agree that a beautiful garden adds something to a home. Whether you like plants, trees, or just grass and some items of furniture, an outdoor area can add character to your space and be a great place to escape to.

Of course, many of us do not live in homes with gardens (whether by choice or not). If this is you, fear not: there are options. A great solution for many city dwellers is to build a rooftop garden.

There are lots of things to consider when it comes to building a rooftop garden, but it can be a great way to work a bit of greenery into your lifestyle. Check out this gallery to find out how to create a stunning rooftop garden.

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