The true story of Charles Dickens

The great English author and social critic was born on February 7, 1812

Stars Insider

11/03/25 | StarsInsider


Charles Dickens is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. Recognized at an early age by critics and scholars as a literary genius, his works enjoyed unprecedented popularity during his lifetime. Dickens' novels have never gone out of print and are still widely read today. Many of his works were adapted for the stage while he was still alive, and have been adapted continually for the screen since the invention of cinema.

Charles Dickens is also remembered as a social critic. Through his work he became an influential spokesman of the conscience of his age, and he often highlighted in his novels the urgent need to reform socio-economic and labor conditions, the rigors of which he believed were unfairly borne by the poor. In fact, the myriad themes running through his novels read like a social reform charter.

Click through the following gallery for an appreciation of this literary giant who campaigned for children's rights, education, and other social reforms.

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