What is the 30-30-30 diet, and is it right for you?

Tips and insights you need to know

Stars Insider

03/01/25 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Dietary health

Have you heard of the trending 30-30-30 diet? This diet or plan has caught the attention of social media users across the globe and has sparked the curiosity of those seeking the next diet trend. So what is it? And does it really work? In this gallery, you'll find a guide with everything you need to know about the 30-30-30 diet and information to help you decide if it's right for you.  From its core principles to potential health benefits, this plan has garnered attention for its balanced approach. Let’s dive into the details to see if it lives up to the hype.

Curious about the 30-30-30 diet? Click through now to explore more.

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