Jennifer Garner: Hollywood’s thriving small-town sweetheart

The Queen of Nice turns 51 on April 17

Stars Insider

17/04/23 | StarsInsider


By all accounts, Jennifer Garner is truly a rare gem in Hollywood. Those who have worked with her and befriended her all say the same things: she’s sincere, she’s disarming, and she’s refreshingly lacking in cynicism. Even her young children have noticed that strangers approach her and start talking as if they’re old friends picking up a conversation where they left off. She just has that effect on people. The mother of three, business owner, and award-winning actress has plenty to be smug about, but she just feels lucky to have kept it all going for this long.

Curious to garner more facts about Jennifer Garner? Click through this gallery to get to know the American sweetheart who also kicks butt in patent leather outfits.

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