Celebrities who practice Transcendental Meditation
See what they have to say about this popular technique
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The Transcendental Meditation technique was originally established as a religion in the 1950s by Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, but it quickly took on a more spiritual and secular approach as it traveled into the Western world, where it seems to have been quickly adopted by everyone who was anyone.
Contrary to what the name may suggest, this form of mantra meditation is actually a simple way of just being closer to yourself, letting your mind settle into an extremely calm state of rest.
The mantra, as the Maharishi describes, is “a specific thought which suits us, a suitable sound for us which we receive from a trained teacher of Transcendental Meditation,” and it is kept a secret from everyone else. In repeating the mantra, the practitioner is supposed to slowly peel away layers of experience until the mind reaches a purer state of being. The Yogi recommends a regular practice of two times, twenty minutes per day.
The experience is said to hold many benefits, including activating the healing power of your body, instilling a deep happiness and peace, developing your brain’s potential, and many also credit it with improving society.
Many famous figures have adopted this easy and effective technique, which is made easier as it’s not an all-consuming religion, and it seems that those who have tried it can’t help but boast about it. Check out this gallery to see which of your favorite stars love TM.
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