Which Myers-Briggs type is closest to your star sign?
Comparing two personality models
LIFESTYLE Personality
If you're familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, you may know that its structure was developed from the four cognitive functions—Sensation (S), Intuition (I), Thinking (T), and Feeling (F)—first identified by the 19th-century Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. What you might not know is that Jung was not only interested in typology, but also astrology. Indeed, he referred to the discipline as the "science of antiquity."
And while astrology cannot be scientifically proven, it can be an interesting tool for those who choose to believe that the position of the skies can influence our personality type. Indeed, the bundle of character traits associated with each star sign often reflect a specific personality type in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Curious? Check out this gallery to find out which Myers-Briggs type is closest to your star sign.