Dry air may block your nasal passages, so using a humidifier in your room might help.
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Unless it's someone you're intimate with, avoid sharing drinks or food. You're putting yourself at risk of also sharing germs.
A diet rich in processed foods is likely to increase inflammation in the body and have an impact on your intestinal flora. Both of these factors make you more vulnerable to catching a cold.
We all know how smoking exposes us to a number of toxins. With secondhand smoking it's no different.
Antibacterial soap can actually kill good bacteria and lead to bacterial resistance. Colds are caused by viruses, and not bacteria, so opt for regular soap and water.
You might think that alcohol makes you sleep better, but it actually affects deep REM sleep. Loss of quality sleep can have a negative impact on your immune system.
Cold viruses can be spread through human contact, so maybe you can try to avoid handshakes, particularly with those who are sick. If you can't avoid them, wash your hands afterwards and don't touch your face, eyes, or mouth.
Not drinking enough water puts you at risk of dehydration, which negatively impacts your body's ability to process and flush out toxins, weakening your immune system.
There are a number of daily habits (that many of us are guilty of) that we never realized were harming our health. Luckily, there's a few simple changes that can make us less likely to catch the dreaded cold, and in this gallery you'll learn all about them.
Click through and see how you can prevent yourself from catching a cold.
Warning: These habits could increase your risk of getting sick
Ward off sickness with these tips
HEALTH Cold prevention
We are all blessed with immune systems that fight off invaders at all times, but some viruses do manage to make it through and infect us. Catching a cold is something many of us experience every year, but it doesn't have to be this way.
There are a number of daily habits (that many of us are guilty of) that we never realized were harming our health. Luckily, there's a few simple changes that can make us less likely to catch the dreaded cold, and in this gallery you'll learn all about them.
Click through and see how you can prevent yourself from catching a cold.