Avoidance! Steer clear of the substances that upset your body.
See also: Warning: These foods may contain gluten
The reaction may actually just be triggered by common pollen allergens crossing with the food’s protein. Symptoms should go away quickly. Plus, if you eat the vegetables cooked, you’ll avoid the reaction completely.
Once you have a good idea which foods might be causing your symptoms, try excluding them from your diet one at a time (for at least two weeks) and observing the effect.
A milk allergy is an abnormal response by the body's immune system to milk and products containing milk (most commonly cow). Symptoms can include wheezing, vomiting, hives, and digestive problems, as well as life-threatening anaphylaxis.
People who are lactose intolerant are missing the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose found in dairy. Therefore, people with lactose intolerance are unable to properly digest these foods and may experience nausea, cramps, gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
Celiac disease is an adverse reaction to the protein gluten (found in wheat, rye, and barley), and is more similar to a food allergy as it involves an immune reaction. It doesn’t, however, involve the antibody responsible for anaphylaxis.
Interestingly, nearly half of the allergies recorded in the study were developed as adults.
How Stuff Works focused particularly on the American population, which has an increasing number of kids with serious food allergies (one in every 13). It's changed things like school cafeterias and airplanes, for example.
Allergies and intolerances plague thousands of lives, shifting diet trends, raising questions about our biology, and making it a real pain when you’re cooking for a big group of people. Do you believe you have a food allergy? Are you unsure about gluten and dairy? It turns out nearly half of everyone who thinks they have an allergy really just has a manageable intolerance. Click through to finally clear up the confusion.
Allergy or intolerance? Most adults have it wrong
The source of everyone's confusion revealed
Allergies and intolerances plague thousands of lives, shifting diet trends, raising questions about our biology, and making it a real pain when you’re cooking for a big group of people. Do you believe you have a food allergy? Are you unsure about gluten and dairy? It turns out nearly half of everyone who thinks they have an allergy really just has a manageable intolerance. Click through to finally clear up the confusion.