Believe it or not, humans can live without plenty of body parts. Lungs, eyes, kidneys: turns out you don't need 'em! Well, not exactly, but humans can survive without many important organs. Can you imagine life without eyes? Or getting by without reproductive organs? Turns out that it's possible.
Click through this gallery to find out exactly which body parts you can live without.
Synthetic hormones have been developed to replicate the role of thyroids.
Conditions like uterine fibroids and endometriosis can be treated by removing the uterus. Meanwhile, removing testicles can be effective when treating testicular cancer.
However, hormones take a huge hit by removing reproductive organs. That said, there are treatments out there for testosterone and estrogen replacements.
That said, tonsils can be easily removed, with no real side effects.
See also: Unusual bodily changes after death
Body parts we can live without: a medical perspective
They perform important functions yet may need to be removed
Believe it or not, humans can live without plenty of body parts. Lungs, eyes, kidneys: turns out you don't need 'em! Well, not exactly, but humans can survive without many important organs. Can you imagine life without eyes? Or getting by without reproductive organs? Turns out that it's possible.
Click through this gallery to find out exactly which body parts you can live without.