There are many substances on our planet capable of killing humans, and some in a very short period of time. Some of these poisons have become infamous throughout history, while others are not as popular—but can be equally as deadly.
In this gallery, you will find some of the most dangerous poisons on the planet. Click through to reveal them.
Sarin was developed as a chemical weapon during World War II. It attacks the nervous system and death occurs by asphyxia, caused by the body's inability to control the muscles used in breathing.
Considered a weapon of mass destruction, sarin is known for being 26 times more deadly than cyanide. Its production has been prohibited since the 1990s, but until recently, attacks using this toxic gas have been made, particularly in the Middle East.
VX was also responsible for the death of 6,000 sheep, in a 1968 incident known as the Skull Valley sheep kill. The incident was connected to US Army chemical and biological warfare programs.
The poison found in the skin of these frogs has been used by Amazon rain forest tribes for millennia. The poison is traditionally used to coat hunting darts.
This toxin is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It causes botulism, a potentially deadly disease contracted following the ingestion of food contaminated with the bacteria. BTX is currently the most acutely lethal poisonous substance known to man.
The scary thing is that Dimethylmercury can permeate a number of materials, including rubber and plastic. So, even latex gloves won't stop you from getting poisoned.
Methanol can be found in contaminated beverages or products, and in poor ventilated areas. Even small doses can lead to serious health consequences, and only 30 ml of this substance can cause death.
See also: Never totally clean: toxins in your home
Poisons and their harmful effects on health
Deadly substances to avoid
There are many substances on our planet capable of killing humans, and some in a very short period of time. Some of these poisons have become infamous throughout history, while others are not as popular—but can be equally as deadly.
In this gallery, you will find some of the most dangerous poisons on the planet. Click through to reveal them.