Everything 'The Crown' on Netflix got wrong

The hit show takes many artistic liberties with the British royals' private lives

Stars Insider

25/07/24 | StarsInsider

TV Television

Netflix's hit show 'The Crown' is a fictionalized drama based around real historical events. It follows the life of Queen Elizabeth II throughout her reign, as well as the key figures in her life. 'The Crown' delves deeply into the personal lives of the British royal family and all of the behind-the-scenes drama. While the show creators and historical consultants do their best to keep the show in line with reality, there is only so much they can discover about the inner workings of one of the most private and protected families in the world. As such, they have to take significant artistic liberties to craft a complete narrative.

This often leaves viewers wondering which parts are real and which are imagined! The British royals are not without their public scandals, so some of the most shocking moments in the show are actually confirmed real-life events. Let's take a look at some of the key inaccuracies in 'The Crown' and begin to separate fact from fiction. Click through the gallery to get started.

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