What is decision fatigue and how can you combat it?

The mental phenomenon affecting your everyday life

Stars Insider

18/07/24 | StarsInsider

TV Decision-making

Have you ever reached the end of the day and felt unable to make just one more decision? You've made endless choices during the day from when you woke up, but picking what to have for dinner just seems too exhausting? This feeling is due to decision fatigue, and it affects everyone.

Throughout the day we are constantly making choices, whether it's to do something or to avoid doing it. While we may not actively notice, each decision takes just a little bit more of our mental energy, until we have nothing left. While there's no way to prevent this willpower draining from happening, there are ways to gain boosts throughout the day. Click through the following gallery to find out more about how decision fatigue affects us, and how best to counteract it.

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