The female TV writers and directors changing the game
You need to know these women's names
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It used to be once that television was the place where careers went to die, but now TV shows have far surpassed the popularity of film.
With the growing popularity of television, there have also been underappreciated geniuses behind the scenes, fighting not only for a place in the writers’ room or director’s chair, but also for a new era of entertainment that’s sharper, wittier, and more complex.
Unfortunately, in 2017-2018, women accounted for only 27% of all creators, directors, writers, executive producers, producers, editors, and directors of photography on television. That number gets smaller when it’s divided among each role. Obviously we have some work to do.
So check out this gallery, based on a list from Shondaland, to see all the women changing the TV landscape, who have been behind some of your favorite shows, and whose names you will certainly know very soon.
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