In images: Christmas season around the world in 2024

Some of the best Christmas moments captured through a lens

Stars Insider

20/12/24 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Photography

With the world transforming into a kaleidoscope of glittering lights, frosty landscapes, and heartwarming traditions, we know that the holiday season is well and truly here. From the snow-dusted cottages of European hamlets to vibrant celebrations in the Southern Hemisphere, Christmastime paints the globe in vivid strokes of joy and wonder. Each culture contributes its unique flair to this universal festivity, creating moments that beg to be immortalized in photographs.

There are truly some enchanting Christmas scenes from around the world. So grab a cup of cocoa, settle in, and click through this gallery to see some of this year’s most breathtaking Christmas pictures from every corner of our planet.

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