Exploring timeless Toulon and its battlefront history

There are many reasons to visit this fascinating French Riviera city

Stars Insider

02/09/24 | StarsInsider


Toulon is probably not the first place you think of when talking about the French Riviera, but this large port city on the Côte d’Azur does exude a certain rough charm. More importantly, it serves as the home base of the French Navy's Mediterranean Fleet, which makes Toulon of great strategic value militarily. It's no surprise, then, that the city boasts a fascinating maritime heritage and seafaring culture that has seen it over the centuries serve on the frontline of some notable naval battles and incursions. So, how did Toulon become such a key destination on the military map, and what does it offer in terms of tourist attractions?

Click on and sail through this brief history of Toulon.

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