The best and worst US cities for singles in 2024

What locations should you absolutely avoid

Stars Insider

11/11/24 | StarsInsider


Struggling to meet someone? You might not be totally to blame! It turns out the city where you live makes a big difference. Some cities have a much higher number of single people, or going out to meet people comes at a lower cost, with better amenities and safety available. Dating in these cities makes it a lot easier for singles to spend time (and money) meeting new people, with a bigger dating pool available to choose from. Conversely, there are cities where unaffordability is a problem, where there is a mismatch between the number of singles of a certain gender, or there is a smaller pool of eligible people to date.

Curious? Click on to find out which US cities you should go, and where to avoid, if you're single in 2024.

All prices in USD.

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