High-risk locations in the world for taking a selfie

Moe Sa Nay, a 14-year-old TikToker, died after falling from a waterfall in Myanmar while taking a selfie

Stars Insider

07/01/25 | StarsInsider


A teen, identified as TikTok star Moe Sa Nay, tragically died at the Sinywa Waterfall in the town of Paung, Myanmar, while taking a selfie with a friend. After falling into the water, she was swept away by strong currents, got trapped between two boulders, and is believed to have drowned. She was taking selfies for her social media pages, where she has 150,000 followers.

Taking a selfie is a seemingly harmless act that is commonly done by many people on a daily basis. However, this inoffensive act can have deadly consequences. This is because people often put themselves in dangerous situations to capture the perfect photo. A study was conducted to analyze selfie-related deaths according to country, revealing that most fatalities involve millennials.

In this gallery, we take a look at the countries with just a few tragic cases and work our way up to the countries with a shocking number of deaths. Click through to learn more about where and how these terrible incidents occurred.

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