Exploring the subterranean world of the bunker

Bomb shelter sales surge in Europe as global tensions escalate

Stars Insider

03/01/25 | StarsInsider


Following the lead of several Nordic countries in 2024, Spain is developing a guide to help citizens understand how to respond in the event of war. This initiative, part of the nation’s Second National Civil Protection Strategy, does not yet have a confirmed release date. A 90% surge in demand for bunkers comes as a direct response from the public, who are seeking additional safety measures in anticipation of the guidance.

With growing geopolitical tensions and the increasing risk of attacks involving weapons of mass destruction, many Spaniards are looking for ways to prepare and safeguard themselves—particularly if the Russia-Ukraine war extends across borders or the situation in the Middle East further deteriorates.

As part of broader efforts to ensure safety and preservation, bunkers—fortified defensive structures—continue to serve as critical shelters against missile attacks, aerial bombings, and other threats. Found worldwide, these impressive examples of military architecture have evolved beyond their original purpose. While some bunkers have fallen into ruin, others have been preserved as historical symbols or even transformed into unique tourist attractions.

Click through the gallery and explore the mysterious underground world of bunkers, where history and protection converge.

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