Scientists are shocked by this enigmatic ancient city

Discover the "Venice of the Pacific" and its unique charm

Stars Insider

20/09/24 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Curiosity

In the western Pacific Ocean, there is a mysterious and mesmerizing unsolved puzzle: the remains of the ancient city of Nan Madol. Situated on the eastern coast of Pohnpei, a Micronesian island, this once-magnificent prehistoric city consists of approximately 100 man-made stone islands with intricate shapes. Strangely, the city is placed on top of a coral reef.

The origins of Nan Madol remain unclear, as does the reason for constructing a city so remote from sources of food and water. Nevertheless, the ruins are filled with fascinating tales and supernatural phenomena. Click through the gallery to take a virtual tour of Nan Madol and be transported back in time.

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