Mysterious cases of passengers disappearing from cruise ships

You'll be shocked to learn just how often passengers disappear

Stars Insider

19/03/25 | StarsInsider


Cruise ships frequently lose passengers and crew members. The standard course of action is to simply continue on their journey, unless instructed to stop by the local coast guard. However, the coast guard is often only notified of the incident several hours after the individual has been reported missing on board. Consider this: cruise ships carry thousands of people, many of whom are intoxicated, and there are no police to be found. While there are security staff, they ultimately answer to the cruise ship company, whose primary focus is maximizing profits. Although efforts are made to locate missing individuals, there is a limit to how long the search can go on before the person is presumed dead.

Click through the gallery for stories of passengers who disappeared on cruise ships, never to be found again.

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