Discover the delight that is Denmark

Go out and about in this scenic Scandinavian nation

Stars Insider

25/04/24 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Scandinavia

Denmark belies its diminutive size with a collection of vibrant cities and standout landmarks that showcase this Scandinavian country in all its fairy-tale appeal. One of the happiest and most livable nations in the world, Denmark lures the visitor with its picturesque palaces and castles, world-class museums, and a culinary scene that's sent Michelin into a spin. This land of Lego is also renowned for its literary and artistic heritage, as well as wide-open landscapes that are wonderfully understated in their purity and simplicity. In fact, this is a nation in harmony with itself and possessed of a character all its own. So, are you looking to do Denmark?

Click through for the definitive sightseeing itinerary.

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