Diego Garcia: exploring the role of the US military base

Is the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 hidden on the island?

Stars Insider

27/02/25 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Mystery

The island of Diego Garcia, home to one of the most mysterious US military bases, is plagued by controversy and entangled in many high-profile conspiracy theories. Exiled natives have been protesting for years for the right to return to the island after they were forced to leave and make way for secret military operations. Some theorists even believe that the missing Malaysia Airline Flight 370 was hidden on the island.

In recent events, Chagossians have finally been granted the right to return to their homeland after decades of exile, as the UK agrees to hand over the Chagos Islands to Mauritius. However, the Diego Garcia island, home to a UK-US military base, remains off-limits. This marks a significant moment in restoring justice to those displaced during Britain’s colonial rule.

Intrigued? Click through the gallery to learn more about this mysterious place.

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