What is the history of obelisks and what are they used for?

Where to admire antiquity's tapering towers

Stars Insider

13/07/21 | StarsInsider


They are among the loftiest monuments ever built, but what exactly is an obelisk? A tall, four-sided narrow tapering column, these majestic geometric pillars first made their appearance in ancient Egypt, originally erected in pairs at the entrances of temples. True obelisks are “monolithic,” or made from a single piece of stone, most often granite. Difficult to construct and serving no practical purpose, an obelisk in antiquity stood as a sacred object commemorating the dead, representing kings, and honoring gods. Many have survived millennia, with most pilfered by emperors and sent from Egypt to Rome and beyond. In fact, these unique timeworn towers can be admired in destinations around the world.

Click through and marvel at these needle-like monoliths.

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