Slab City: Life in the 'Last Free Place in America'

The unbelievable story of a squatter's paradise in Southern California

Stars Insider

01/11/24 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Curiosity

In California's Sonoran Desert, about 50 miles (80 km) north of the US-Mexico border, lies a squatter's paradise. Over 600 acres of rent-free land left over from a military base is now a well-established off-the-grid community where the living conditions are tough, but where freedom is guaranteed.

Slab City, also called The Slabs, is a home for social outcasts, and a hot tourist spot for those who are curious about outcasts. It offers a very different alternative to how most North Americans’ daily lives work. It’s equally ambitious and artistic as it is challenging, but it has managed to maintain the spirit that it started with decades ago with every generation of transient, freedom-seeking people. The community has both been a home for people who had to run away, and also a home for people who wanted something to run to.

Click through to see what life is like in this fascinating community, what challenges they face, and what they've been able to achieve so far.

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