A nostalgic look at the most celebrated world's fairs and expositions

Revisit these amazing events in popular culture

Stars Insider

18/11/21 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Exposition

Ever since the first "World Expo" was hosted at London's Crystal Palace in 1851, these grand international exhibitions have been held periodically around the globe as a way of showcasing the achievements of nations. Part cultural exchange, part country branding, a World's Fair, or exposition, is used as a platform to improve national image while encompassing universal themes that affect the full gamut of the human experience. Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, was due to host Expo 2020, but it has been postponed until 2022 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

But there's no need to wait! Instead, click through the following gallery and revisit the great world's fairs of the last 170 years or so, and discover some fun facts along the way.

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