Where to travel based on your personality type

Where to go, according to your Myers-Briggs personality type

Stars Insider

27/02/25 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Destinations

The Myers-Briggs personality test has been used for many years to assess people's personalities. It assesses different preferences to determine key aspects of our personality, and its results are often quite accurate. 

People look for different things when they travel, and these things are often influenced by their attitudes and actions in life. These influence the way they perceive the world and what they enjoy doing during a trip. An introverted person will most likely have a different approach to traveling when compared to an extroverted one, for instance. 

With this in mind, we've compiled a number of destinations specifically tailored for each Myers-Briggs result. If you haven't taken the test, do so to find the perfect travel destination for your bucket list!

Click through the gallery and get to know the best destinations based on your personality type.

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