Why California's Salton Sea is disappearing

Understand the consequences for the environment and public health

Stars Insider

27/12/24 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Salton sea

The Salton Sea is California's largest lake. Located in Imperial County some 240 km (150 mi) south of Los Angeles, Salton Sea was once a multimillion-dollar marine paradise, the haunt of wealthy vacationers and celebrity entertainers including Frank Sinatra and the Beach Boys.

But then something started to go terribly wrong. The lake began to dry up, threatening the fate of fish, migratory bird species, and even public health. Increased salinity and toxic chemicals polluted its once pristine waters. The hotels emptied and houses were abandoned. Very soon the exclusive resorts lining its shores resembled ghost towns. 

So, what happened? Click through the gallery and find out more about one of the worst ecological disasters in recent memory. 

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