Did you know these celebrities have Ukrainian roots?

Countless stars have connections to the European nation currently under siege

Stars Insider

17/07/24 | StarsInsider


While most of the celebrities we see on our screens today hail from the US, the majority are the descendants of immigrants. North America being the melting pot that it is, it's no surprise to learn that many of our favorite stars are closely connected to other nations around the world. For instance, there is a large Jewish-Ukrainian diaspora in the US due to the anti-Semitism they suffered in their home country when it was under Soviet rule.

Ukraine has a rich cultural history of dance and music, which natives brought with them all over the world. Perhaps this is why so many of the talented performers of the last century have Ukrainian roots.

More and more celebrities are coming forward to proudly declare their Ukrainian roots and show solidarity with their people since the Russian invasion on February 24 2022. Click through this gallery to see which famous faces have connections to the troubled European nation.

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