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0 / 25 Fotos
You are female
- Yes, being a woman would put you instantly under the radar for witchcraft and association with the devil.
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1 / 25 Fotos
You are female
- A good example would be in the famous Salem trials, where 13 women and five men were convicted.
© Getty Images
2 / 25 Fotos
You are poor - If you're poor or homeless, and have to rely on external help, your neighbors will likely distrust you, and that basically makes you a witch.
© Shutterstock
3 / 25 Fotos
You are poor
- Sarah Good, a poor woman who would wander around home to home begging for food, was accused of witchcraft in the Salem trials and hanged in 1692.
© Shutterstock
4 / 25 Fotos
You are wealthy
- Don't think you can get away with it if you're rich either! Any financially independent woman who lived without a man's provision would raise eyebrows.
© Shutterstock
5 / 25 Fotos
You are wealthy
- Call it coincidence, but between 1620 and 1725, the vast majority of the women executed for witchcraft in New England were women without brothers or sons to leave their inheritance.
© Shutterstock
6 / 25 Fotos
You hang out with your friends
- A group of women together is likely a coven of witches, so you'd probably be accused of witchcraft.
© Shutterstock
7 / 25 Fotos
You argue with one or more of your female friends
- We've all done stupid things when we're angry, but how many of us have accused another person of witchcraft? Women could use this to their advantage in the 17th century.
© Shutterstock
8 / 25 Fotos
You argue with one or more of your female friends
- Rachel Clinton, a survivor of the Salem trials, was accused by other women of "hunching them with her elbow" when she passed by them at church.
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You argue with anyone else
- If you lost your temper and argued with anyone, that person could easily accuse you of rubbing shoulders with the devil.
© Shutterstock
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You are old - An old woman named Rebecca Nurse was one of the accused in the Salem witch trials. She was executed at 71.
© Shutterstock
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You are young
- Don't expect things to get easier if you're a child either. Because, you know, children can be witches too.
© Shutterstock
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You are young
- Dorothy Goode was in prison for nine months after confessing to witchcraft. Goode was just four years old! Her mother, Sarah Goode, with whom she allegedly practiced witchcraft, was hanged.
© Shutterstock
13 / 25 Fotos
You are a midwife
- Delivering babies? What kind of sorcery is that? The church did not approve of some midwives' practices, including the use of herbs. So yes, your job could also qualify you as a witch.
© Shutterstock
14 / 25 Fotos
You have too many children
- There is no way you have such a fertile womb! That can only be achieved through magic...
© Shutterstock
15 / 25 Fotos
You have one or no children at all
- Your womb is probably cursed. Only a witch could have a cursed womb, right?
© Shutterstock
16 / 25 Fotos
You are argumentative
- As a woman, you're not supposed to be sassy, talk back, or stand up for yourself. Failure to comply with these norms would put you at risk of being labeled a witch.
© Shutterstock
17 / 25 Fotos
You are argumentative
- This is what happened to Rachel Clinton in her trial: "Did she not show the character of an embittered, meddlesome, demanding woman—perhaps in short, the character of a witch? Did she not scold, rail, threaten and fight?" argued her accusers.
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You have some sort of beauty mark - Do you have a birthmark? Yes, that mole was put there by the devil! You've been marked, just so you know.
© Getty Images
19 / 25 Fotos
Your dairy products have spoiled
- Spoiled dairy products were mentioned in the Salem trials as evidence of black magic.
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Your dairy products have spoiled
- Not only were some of the alleged witches accused of having curdled milk at home, some neighbors said that they spoiled their milk just by passing by it. Now, that's some dark magic right there!
© Shutterstock
21 / 25 Fotos
You daydream about your soulmate
- Do you daydream about the perfect partner and try to imagine how that person will be? If your answer is yes, you might be a witch!
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22 / 25 Fotos
You daydream about your soulmate
- A slave woman named Tituba was accused of witchcraft because she encouraged girls to predict the identities of their future husbands.
© Shutterstock
23 / 25 Fotos
You have broken one or more Bible rules
- Any rule will do. This will automatically put you in a pact with the devil, and instantly turn you into a witch. Sources: (Mentalfloss) (History Collection) (History of American Women Blog) See also: Why is witchcraft on the rise?
© Shutterstock
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© Getty Images
0 / 25 Fotos
You are female
- Yes, being a woman would put you instantly under the radar for witchcraft and association with the devil.
© Shutterstock
1 / 25 Fotos
You are female
- A good example would be in the famous Salem trials, where 13 women and five men were convicted.
© Getty Images
2 / 25 Fotos
You are poor - If you're poor or homeless, and have to rely on external help, your neighbors will likely distrust you, and that basically makes you a witch.
© Shutterstock
3 / 25 Fotos
You are poor
- Sarah Good, a poor woman who would wander around home to home begging for food, was accused of witchcraft in the Salem trials and hanged in 1692.
© Shutterstock
4 / 25 Fotos
You are wealthy
- Don't think you can get away with it if you're rich either! Any financially independent woman who lived without a man's provision would raise eyebrows.
© Shutterstock
5 / 25 Fotos
You are wealthy
- Call it coincidence, but between 1620 and 1725, the vast majority of the women executed for witchcraft in New England were women without brothers or sons to leave their inheritance.
© Shutterstock
6 / 25 Fotos
You hang out with your friends
- A group of women together is likely a coven of witches, so you'd probably be accused of witchcraft.
© Shutterstock
7 / 25 Fotos
You argue with one or more of your female friends
- We've all done stupid things when we're angry, but how many of us have accused another person of witchcraft? Women could use this to their advantage in the 17th century.
© Shutterstock
8 / 25 Fotos
You argue with one or more of your female friends
- Rachel Clinton, a survivor of the Salem trials, was accused by other women of "hunching them with her elbow" when she passed by them at church.
© Shutterstock
9 / 25 Fotos
You argue with anyone else
- If you lost your temper and argued with anyone, that person could easily accuse you of rubbing shoulders with the devil.
© Shutterstock
10 / 25 Fotos
You are old - An old woman named Rebecca Nurse was one of the accused in the Salem witch trials. She was executed at 71.
© Shutterstock
11 / 25 Fotos
You are young
- Don't expect things to get easier if you're a child either. Because, you know, children can be witches too.
© Shutterstock
12 / 25 Fotos
You are young
- Dorothy Goode was in prison for nine months after confessing to witchcraft. Goode was just four years old! Her mother, Sarah Goode, with whom she allegedly practiced witchcraft, was hanged.
© Shutterstock
13 / 25 Fotos
You are a midwife
- Delivering babies? What kind of sorcery is that? The church did not approve of some midwives' practices, including the use of herbs. So yes, your job could also qualify you as a witch.
© Shutterstock
14 / 25 Fotos
You have too many children
- There is no way you have such a fertile womb! That can only be achieved through magic...
© Shutterstock
15 / 25 Fotos
You have one or no children at all
- Your womb is probably cursed. Only a witch could have a cursed womb, right?
© Shutterstock
16 / 25 Fotos
You are argumentative
- As a woman, you're not supposed to be sassy, talk back, or stand up for yourself. Failure to comply with these norms would put you at risk of being labeled a witch.
© Shutterstock
17 / 25 Fotos
You are argumentative
- This is what happened to Rachel Clinton in her trial: "Did she not show the character of an embittered, meddlesome, demanding woman—perhaps in short, the character of a witch? Did she not scold, rail, threaten and fight?" argued her accusers.
© Shutterstock
18 / 25 Fotos
You have some sort of beauty mark - Do you have a birthmark? Yes, that mole was put there by the devil! You've been marked, just so you know.
© Getty Images
19 / 25 Fotos
Your dairy products have spoiled
- Spoiled dairy products were mentioned in the Salem trials as evidence of black magic.
© Shutterstock
20 / 25 Fotos
Your dairy products have spoiled
- Not only were some of the alleged witches accused of having curdled milk at home, some neighbors said that they spoiled their milk just by passing by it. Now, that's some dark magic right there!
© Shutterstock
21 / 25 Fotos
You daydream about your soulmate
- Do you daydream about the perfect partner and try to imagine how that person will be? If your answer is yes, you might be a witch!
© Shutterstock
22 / 25 Fotos
You daydream about your soulmate
- A slave woman named Tituba was accused of witchcraft because she encouraged girls to predict the identities of their future husbands.
© Shutterstock
23 / 25 Fotos
You have broken one or more Bible rules
- Any rule will do. This will automatically put you in a pact with the devil, and instantly turn you into a witch. Sources: (Mentalfloss) (History Collection) (History of American Women Blog) See also: Why is witchcraft on the rise?
© Shutterstock
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Signs you'd be considered a witch in the 17th century
Would you be accused of practicing witchcraft?
© Getty Images
Witch hunting has killed many people throughout history, and unfortunately continues to do so to this day in some parts of the world. One of the most famous events in witch-hunting history was the Salem witch trials, which took place between February 1692 and May 1693. If you've ever wondered what exactly could get you accused of witchcraft in the 17th century, then this is your chance.
Curious? Then browse through the following gallery and see if you would have qualified as a witch.

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