Different songs that share the same title

Different worlds of music uniting under the same name

Stars Insider

30/01/25 | StarsInsider

MUSIC Records

Being one of the oldest and most appreciated mediums of artistic expression in the world, music can manipulate sound in ways that can evoke the full spectrum of human emotion, paint pictures in our minds, and allow us to imagine the unimaginable. Despite being such a seemingly limitless artform, there are, unfortunately, some limits to originality. One of the big ones is song titles.

Thankfully, that is no indication of the ingenuity of the song behind the name. Regardless, songs that share a name but exist lightyears apart stylistically can make for some humorous mix-ups, and maybe even lead you to discover your new favorite song while you were searching for your old favorite song!

Curious? Read on to compare some classic tracks that have the same name.

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