The greatest beginner songs to learn on guitar

Learn these classic and popular tunes

Stars Insider

14/03/25 | StarsInsider

MUSIC Instruments

The guitar is one of the most appealing instruments in the world. It's attractive, it's accessible, and if you can learn to play well, it can produce some of the most beautiful sounds you've ever heard. Studies estimate around 16 million people in the United States alone started to learn guitar during the COVID-19 pandemic, and hopefully most of them have stuck with it. Despite the exciting prospects of learning a new instrument, the actual work involved can seem boring and repetitive; no one likes repeating scales for hours on end. So why not practice with some real songs? Some of the most popular tunes ever written are easy to play, simple to learn, and can help beginners familiarize themselves with the basics of guitar playing.

Read on to find out which classic tracks can help you hone your guitar chops.

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