The longest-running number one singles on the Billboard Hot 100

After 19 weeks at number one, Lil Nas X lost top spot to Billie Eilish

Stars Insider

20/08/19 | StarsInsider


Say what you want, but pop music can be pretty unpredictable. There's no better proof of that than Lil Nas X, perhaps the most unlikely pop star of the decade. The young rapper was still a teen when he released 'Old Town Road,' a country-rap crossover that has made headlines and climbed charts around the world. Recently, the song beat a 24-year-old record, becoming the longest-running number one track on America's Billboard Hot 100. The quirky song spent 19 weeks at number one, being bested now by Billie Eilish's 'Bad Guy.'

To understand just how impressive that is, click on for a reminder of the longest-running number one singles on the Billboard Hot 100. Click on 'til you can't no more!

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