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Popular music's greatest drum intros
MUSIC Instruments 25/03/25
Bandmates who didn't get along
MUSIC Bands 25/03/25
30 of the greatest girl groups of all time
MUSIC Retrospective 25/03/25
Elton John's lyrical life
MUSIC Songs 25/03/25
The greatest crooners of all time
MUSIC Singers 24/03/25
The best songs for each US state
MUSIC Tunes 24/03/25


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Musicians who sued their own bands
MUSIC Bandmates 21/03/25
Bands whose members left right before success
MUSIC Rock and roll 20/03/25
Backup singers who took the spotlight
MUSIC Vocalists 20/03/25
The opening acts that became major headliners
MUSIC Famous musicians 20/03/25
The greatest bass players of all time
MUSIC Bassists 20/03/25
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