See Also
See Again
© NL Beeld
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'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' (2003)
- This 2003 film had a lot of promise. Inspired by the world created by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill, the big screen version didn't convince critics. The actors left a lot to be desired, and today the film is barely a footnote in the history of superhero films.
© BrunoPress
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'Sky High' (2005) - The fact that 'Sky High' was aimed at a younger audience as well as the unconvincing lead meant this film didn't do much for critics. It starred pretty big names like Kurt Russell, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and Danielle Panabaker, but they weren't enough to carry the film.
© BrunoPress
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'The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl' (2005) - Remember that time Taylor Lautner played a superhero on the big screen? Didn't think so! This 2005 Robert Rodriguez film was popular with younger audiences when it came out, but it has pretty much been forgotten about.
© BrunoPress
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'Punisher: War Zone' (2008) - This film was a reboot of a movie released just four years previously. The big problem is that nobody seems to even remember this version. Ray Stevenson didn't convince too many moviegoers as the lead.
© BrunoPress
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'The Spirit' (2008)
- Legendary comic book writer and illustrator Frank Miller directed 'The Spirit.' Unfortunately, despite having a strong cast, and a story loved by comic book fans, this film left a lot to be desired.
© NL Beeld
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'My Super Ex-Girlfriend' (2006) - Remember when Uma Thurman played a superhero? No? Don't worry, most people don't remember this 2006 film at all. This rom-com with splashes of superhero action just didn't stand out.
© BrunoPress
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'Hancock' (2008) - Will Smith and Charlize Theron as superheroes with real-life problems? It sounds like a surefire hit, but it was a little disappointing and was eventually more or less forgotten.
© BrunoPress
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'Jumper' (2008) - Hayden Christensen had the chance to prove himself as an actor in 2008's 'Jumper' after being panned for his portrayal as Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequels. He gave a solid performance alongside Samuel L. Jackson, but unfortunately the film flew under many people's radars.
© BrunoPress
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'Catwoman' (2004)
- This film wishes it could be forgotten. Instead, with Halle Berry as the titular Catwoman, this film is remembered as one of the worst superhero movies ever.
© Getty Images
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'Elektra' (2005)
- From the same universe as 2003's 'Daredevil,' which received a ton of criticism, 'Elektra' could have saved this darker version of the Marvel world. Instead, the reviews were even worse.
© NL Beeld
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'Fantastic Four' (2015) - This reboot had young talents like Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, and Jamie Bell going for it, but the acting fell very flat and fans were left disappointed. There were plans for a sequel, but after the failure of this film it was canceled.
© BrunoPress
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'Fantastic Four' (2005) - At the time, the 2005 version was better-received by fans, although critics weren't convinced. But despite going down well with audiences, superhero movies have stepped their game up to such an extent that this one has really fallen behind in terms of quality.
© BrunoPress
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'Jonah Hex' (2010)
- Luckily, Josh Brolin can now add Thanos and Cable to his list of Marvel characters. But in 2010, 'Jonah Hex' received such poor reviews that neither Josh Brolin nor Megan Fox were interested in carrying on with the project.
© BrunoPress
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'Ghost Rider' (2007) - Critics were not kind to 'Ghost Rider' when it hit cinemas in 2007. To make matters worse, fans weren't too hot on Nicolas Cage's performance either. Even so, it received a 2011 sequel, which received even more criticism.
© BrunoPress
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'Superman Returns' (2006) - In 2006, fans were eager to see Superman back on the big screen. But the two-hour and 34-minute production was criticized for being boring and not capturing the magic of the Christopher Reeve films. Since 'Man of Steel' (2013), this Superman has been all but forgotten about.
© BrunoPress
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'Green Lantern' (2011)
- Ryan Reynolds gave it his all as this DC Comics hero, but it wasn't enough to save this film from all its flaws. Its heavy reliance on special effects didn't help, and despite only coming out in 2011, it's been more or less completely forgotten.
© BrunoPress
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'The Green Hornet' (2011) - Remember when Seth Rogen played a big screen hero? Those who do, probably wish they didn't. 2011's 'Green Hornet' hasn't exactly featured on many people's list of great superhero films.
© BrunoPress
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'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' (2009) - X-Men fans loved Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, but this flick missed its targets for several reasons. This was the first time we met Ryan Reynold's Deadpool, but the "Merc with a Mouth" didn't deliver any of his famous quips.
© BrunoPress
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'Spider-Man 3' (2007) - After the success of 'Spider-Man 2,' fans were keen for another film with Sam Raimi at the helm. But this film was such a flop that the next film in the franchise was canceled and Tobey Maguire was replaced with Andrew Garfield.
© BrunoPress
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'The Meteor Man' (1993) - 'The Meteor Man' is about a high school teacher who becomes a superhero and uses his powers to defend Washington D.C. Very few people remember this 1993 flick ever even happened.
© BrunoPress
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'The Lone Ranger' (2013) - 'The Lone Ranger' may not quite fit into the standard of a superhero, but he's worth a mention. The "Batman of the Wild West" hit the big screen in 2013, but didn't convince critics. People found Johnny Depp's performance to be repetitive, and neither he nor Armie Hammer could save the production.
© BrunoPress
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'Batman & Robin' (1997) - This film hasn't been forgotten, but it's remembered for all the wrong reasons. The worst Batman film ever, George Clooney even apologized for it on 'The Graham Norton Show.'
© BrunoPress
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'Steel' (1997)
- Shaquille O'Neal tries to be Iron Man. That's all you need to know. It was panned by critics and was one of Shaq's few big screen roles.
© Getty Images
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'Underdog' (2007)
- Dogs can be heroes, too! The idea behind 'Underdog' sounds like a hit, but upon its release in 2007 it didn't make much of a splash. It was just forgotten and rarely mentioned again.
© BrunoPress
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'Zoom' (2006)
- It received a frosty reception upon its 2006 release, and 'Zoom' suffered from some of the same problems as 'Sky High.' Intended for a younger audience, and despite having a stellar cast, they couldn't make this film memorable or interesting.
© BrunoPress
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'Nick Fury: Agent of Shield' (1998) - Before Samuel L. Jackson stepped in, David Hasselhoff played the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. It's thought of as one of Hasselhoff's worst films, and a film that the genre has tried to leave behind.
© BrunoPress
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‘Darkman’ (1990)
- Director Sam Raimi released a superhero movie in 1990, years before directing 'Spider-Man' in 2002. It starred Liam Neeson as a disfigured scientist who possessed supernatural strength. Although it was well received by critics and a box-office success, it's only remembered by a few die-hard fans.
© BrunoPress
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‘Supergirl’ (1984)
- The 1984 'Superman' spin-off 'Supergirl' was a box-office disaster. It starred Helen Slater, who later played Supergirl's adoptive mother in the TV series (2015-2021). It also featured big names like Mia Farrow and Michelle Pfeiffer, but nothing could save 'Supergirl' from obscurity.
© BrunoPress
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‘Dredd’ (2012)
- Karl Urban inherited the role of Judge Dredd in 2012, following Sylvester Stallone's disastrous portrayal in 1995. The 2012 version was much more promising and received decent reviews, but, sadly, it didn't break even at the box office, making a sequel unlikely. Sources: (ScreenRant) (Wonderwall) See also: The worst movie sequels of all time
© BrunoPress
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© NL Beeld
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'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' (2003)
- This 2003 film had a lot of promise. Inspired by the world created by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill, the big screen version didn't convince critics. The actors left a lot to be desired, and today the film is barely a footnote in the history of superhero films.
© BrunoPress
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'Sky High' (2005) - The fact that 'Sky High' was aimed at a younger audience as well as the unconvincing lead meant this film didn't do much for critics. It starred pretty big names like Kurt Russell, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and Danielle Panabaker, but they weren't enough to carry the film.
© BrunoPress
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'The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl' (2005) - Remember that time Taylor Lautner played a superhero on the big screen? Didn't think so! This 2005 Robert Rodriguez film was popular with younger audiences when it came out, but it has pretty much been forgotten about.
© BrunoPress
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'Punisher: War Zone' (2008) - This film was a reboot of a movie released just four years previously. The big problem is that nobody seems to even remember this version. Ray Stevenson didn't convince too many moviegoers as the lead.
© BrunoPress
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'The Spirit' (2008)
- Legendary comic book writer and illustrator Frank Miller directed 'The Spirit.' Unfortunately, despite having a strong cast, and a story loved by comic book fans, this film left a lot to be desired.
© NL Beeld
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'My Super Ex-Girlfriend' (2006) - Remember when Uma Thurman played a superhero? No? Don't worry, most people don't remember this 2006 film at all. This rom-com with splashes of superhero action just didn't stand out.
© BrunoPress
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'Hancock' (2008) - Will Smith and Charlize Theron as superheroes with real-life problems? It sounds like a surefire hit, but it was a little disappointing and was eventually more or less forgotten.
© BrunoPress
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'Jumper' (2008) - Hayden Christensen had the chance to prove himself as an actor in 2008's 'Jumper' after being panned for his portrayal as Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequels. He gave a solid performance alongside Samuel L. Jackson, but unfortunately the film flew under many people's radars.
© BrunoPress
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'Catwoman' (2004)
- This film wishes it could be forgotten. Instead, with Halle Berry as the titular Catwoman, this film is remembered as one of the worst superhero movies ever.
© Getty Images
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'Elektra' (2005)
- From the same universe as 2003's 'Daredevil,' which received a ton of criticism, 'Elektra' could have saved this darker version of the Marvel world. Instead, the reviews were even worse.
© NL Beeld
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'Fantastic Four' (2015) - This reboot had young talents like Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, and Jamie Bell going for it, but the acting fell very flat and fans were left disappointed. There were plans for a sequel, but after the failure of this film it was canceled.
© BrunoPress
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'Fantastic Four' (2005) - At the time, the 2005 version was better-received by fans, although critics weren't convinced. But despite going down well with audiences, superhero movies have stepped their game up to such an extent that this one has really fallen behind in terms of quality.
© BrunoPress
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'Jonah Hex' (2010)
- Luckily, Josh Brolin can now add Thanos and Cable to his list of Marvel characters. But in 2010, 'Jonah Hex' received such poor reviews that neither Josh Brolin nor Megan Fox were interested in carrying on with the project.
© BrunoPress
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'Ghost Rider' (2007) - Critics were not kind to 'Ghost Rider' when it hit cinemas in 2007. To make matters worse, fans weren't too hot on Nicolas Cage's performance either. Even so, it received a 2011 sequel, which received even more criticism.
© BrunoPress
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'Superman Returns' (2006) - In 2006, fans were eager to see Superman back on the big screen. But the two-hour and 34-minute production was criticized for being boring and not capturing the magic of the Christopher Reeve films. Since 'Man of Steel' (2013), this Superman has been all but forgotten about.
© BrunoPress
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'Green Lantern' (2011)
- Ryan Reynolds gave it his all as this DC Comics hero, but it wasn't enough to save this film from all its flaws. Its heavy reliance on special effects didn't help, and despite only coming out in 2011, it's been more or less completely forgotten.
© BrunoPress
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'The Green Hornet' (2011) - Remember when Seth Rogen played a big screen hero? Those who do, probably wish they didn't. 2011's 'Green Hornet' hasn't exactly featured on many people's list of great superhero films.
© BrunoPress
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'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' (2009) - X-Men fans loved Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, but this flick missed its targets for several reasons. This was the first time we met Ryan Reynold's Deadpool, but the "Merc with a Mouth" didn't deliver any of his famous quips.
© BrunoPress
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'Spider-Man 3' (2007) - After the success of 'Spider-Man 2,' fans were keen for another film with Sam Raimi at the helm. But this film was such a flop that the next film in the franchise was canceled and Tobey Maguire was replaced with Andrew Garfield.
© BrunoPress
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'The Meteor Man' (1993) - 'The Meteor Man' is about a high school teacher who becomes a superhero and uses his powers to defend Washington D.C. Very few people remember this 1993 flick ever even happened.
© BrunoPress
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'The Lone Ranger' (2013) - 'The Lone Ranger' may not quite fit into the standard of a superhero, but he's worth a mention. The "Batman of the Wild West" hit the big screen in 2013, but didn't convince critics. People found Johnny Depp's performance to be repetitive, and neither he nor Armie Hammer could save the production.
© BrunoPress
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'Batman & Robin' (1997) - This film hasn't been forgotten, but it's remembered for all the wrong reasons. The worst Batman film ever, George Clooney even apologized for it on 'The Graham Norton Show.'
© BrunoPress
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'Steel' (1997)
- Shaquille O'Neal tries to be Iron Man. That's all you need to know. It was panned by critics and was one of Shaq's few big screen roles.
© Getty Images
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'Underdog' (2007)
- Dogs can be heroes, too! The idea behind 'Underdog' sounds like a hit, but upon its release in 2007 it didn't make much of a splash. It was just forgotten and rarely mentioned again.
© BrunoPress
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'Zoom' (2006)
- It received a frosty reception upon its 2006 release, and 'Zoom' suffered from some of the same problems as 'Sky High.' Intended for a younger audience, and despite having a stellar cast, they couldn't make this film memorable or interesting.
© BrunoPress
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'Nick Fury: Agent of Shield' (1998) - Before Samuel L. Jackson stepped in, David Hasselhoff played the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. It's thought of as one of Hasselhoff's worst films, and a film that the genre has tried to leave behind.
© BrunoPress
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‘Darkman’ (1990)
- Director Sam Raimi released a superhero movie in 1990, years before directing 'Spider-Man' in 2002. It starred Liam Neeson as a disfigured scientist who possessed supernatural strength. Although it was well received by critics and a box-office success, it's only remembered by a few die-hard fans.
© BrunoPress
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‘Supergirl’ (1984)
- The 1984 'Superman' spin-off 'Supergirl' was a box-office disaster. It starred Helen Slater, who later played Supergirl's adoptive mother in the TV series (2015-2021). It also featured big names like Mia Farrow and Michelle Pfeiffer, but nothing could save 'Supergirl' from obscurity.
© BrunoPress
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‘Dredd’ (2012)
- Karl Urban inherited the role of Judge Dredd in 2012, following Sylvester Stallone's disastrous portrayal in 1995. The 2012 version was much more promising and received decent reviews, but, sadly, it didn't break even at the box office, making a sequel unlikely. Sources: (ScreenRant) (Wonderwall) See also: The worst movie sequels of all time
© BrunoPress
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A look back at iconic superhero movies
They can't all be record-breaking blockbusters like the 'Avengers' movies
© BrunoPress
Superhero films are experiencing peak popularity at the moment. Every year, studios are raking in outrageous profits from movies set in the DC and Marvel universes. However, it wasn't that long ago that superhero films were still very niche, and oftentimes surefire box-office failures. Whether it was due to bad writing, poor special effects, or terrible acting, there are a lot more superhero flops than there are hits.
What went wrong with these flicks? Click through the following gallery to see some of the superhero features that time forgot.

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