The best feel-good films to distract you from real life

Movies to get those happy hormones flowing

Stars Insider

26/12/24 | StarsInsider

MOVIES What to watch

In the midst of such global chaos, taking some time to escape into the world of imagination is vital for your mental health. And sometimes when you put on a movie at the end of a long day, you don't want to be sitting on the edge of your seat or bawling your eyes out, because frankly the news has got us doing that anyway. So, what you need is something light, but with substance, something funny, but with heart, and something to generally restore your faith in humanity for however temporary that relief may be.

We've gathered a humble list of films with no stress-inducing drama, no tragic tears, no unsettling endings that leave you questioning the nature of reality—just simple, feel-good, wholesome energy. Click through to see what to put on your watchlist.

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