What is the infinite hotel paradox?

A grand thought experiment with infinite possibilities

Stars Insider

5 hours ago | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Philosophy

The concept of infinity defies our everyday intuition and stretches the limits of what we consider possible. In the 1920s, German mathematician David Hilbert devised a thought experiment known as Hilbert’s Infinite Hotel to illustrate the strange and paradoxical properties that can arise from infinity.

At first glance, an infinite hotel with an infinite number of rooms might seem straightforward—after all, if there are endless rooms, then surely there’s always space for more guests. But Hilbert’s scenario quickly reveals counterintuitive realities: even when every room is occupied, more guests can always be accommodated.

What does Hilbert’s Hotel tell us about the very nature of numbers? If infinity is never truly full, can anything ever be considered "complete"? And if infinity can always expand, does that mean there are infinities larger than others?

Click through this gallery to see what Hilbert’s Infinite Hotel has to say on the matter.

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