How your brain changes when you outsource it to AI

Is AI helping or hijacking your brain?

Stars Insider

5 hours ago | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Artificial intelligence

As technology takes over our lives and the world we live in, artificial intelligence is being used more and more as a way to think, write, and even make decisions for us. But with the rise of AI in everyday life, one fundamental question keeps coming up: what happens to our own ability to think?

Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly embedded in everything we do, and we are continually outsourcing our mental labor by relying on smartphones for memory, AI tools for writing, and digital assistants for problem-solving. This shift is convenient, even necessary, but it comes with consequences that we are only now beginning to understand.

Are we unknowingly sacrificing our ability to think for ourselves? Will AI make us more knowledgeable, or simply more dependent? But most importantly, how can we use these powerful tools without losing control over our own minds? Click through this gallery to find out.

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