Personality traits that reveal an only child

The distinctive characteristics of growing up solo

Stars Insider

9 hours ago | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Personality

The theory of "only child syndrome" suggests that children without siblings may lack social skills and be spoiled, lonely, or selfish. This stereotype originated from a 19th-century survey by E. W. Bohannon, where most respondents described only children as excessively spoiled. This idea persisted in pop psychology until Toni Folbo's 1986 survey, which found no significant differences between only children and those with siblings, except for a stronger bond with parents. A 2018 study confirmed this finding.

However, the internet is ablaze with opinions on distinct traits that often reveal whether someone grew up with or without siblings. From surprising common traits to the more quirky signs, we’ve compiled the 30 most common ways to spot that someone is an only child. Click to browse and see if you can relate!

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