The year ahead: Your horoscope overview for 2025

What the stars have in store for every Zodiac sign

Stars Insider

06/01/25 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Horoscopes

With four eclipses and three Mercury retrogrades, there’s a substantial amount of action happening in the sky this year. According to leading astrologists, 2025's planetary busyness triggers tremendous potential for personal change and is shaping up to be unlike anything we have experienced before. However, after the highs and lows of 2024, 2025 overall is looking to be much more peaceful. The four outer planets in our solar system, often called generational planets in astrology, are poised to influence all signs, reshaping how we navigate the world. At the same time, another transformative force—AI—is weaving itself into every aspect of our lives, from food and wellness to relationships.

Curious to know what the planets have in store for your zodiac sign this year? We’ve got you covered. Click on the gallery to continue.

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