The courage to be disliked: the Japanese secret to happiness

How can we achieve a real sense of happiness?

Stars Insider

07/01/25 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Philosophy

Who doesn't want to feel a sense of pure happiness and joy in their lives? Many of us dedicate a great deal of time, resources, and energy to achieving a fulfilling life that gives us a sense of contentment. Despite our best efforts, we still struggle to attain this, especially long-term. What if the secret to happiness is being OK with not being liked, moving away from pleasing others, and following your own path with intention and clarity? That's one of the ideas that the book 'The Courage to be Disliked,' by Japanese authors Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga, proposes. 

Curious to know how you can access self-liberation by caring less about what others think? This gallery is for you! Click through to find out more. 

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