NATO chief appeals for wartime mindset to counter Putin’s actions

He raises concerns about Russia bracing for a long-term conflict

Stars Insider

4 hours ago | StarsInsider


The relationship between NATO and Russia is in deep crisis. Vladimir Putin's threat to use nuclear weapons on the Ukraine battlefield is taken very seriously by the Alliance, which has condemned Russia’s nuclear rhetoric and nuclear signaling. In fact, the once cordial partnership between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Russian Federation is at its lowest since the dark days of the Cold War.

Recently, NATO leader Mark Rutte has expressed concern that Vladimir Putin seeks to destroy Ukraine and may not stop there, potentially turning his focus to other European nations. During remarks at Carnegie Europe in Brussels, Rutte urged citizens to support greater defense funding and adopt a wartime posture. He warned of the threat posed by Russian drone swarms, which have already caused devastation in Ukraine.

“How many more wake-up calls do we need? We should be profoundly concerned. I know I am,” Rutte said. His statement comes amid discussions of raising NATO’s defense spending target from 2% to 3% of each nation’s GDP.

So, how has a previously constructive relationship between NATO and Russia turned so fractious? Click through this gallery and find out more about why Russia fell out with NATO

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