Why is the Rubik's Cube still the world's best-selling puzzle game?

This brainteaser is one of the most recognized icons in popular culture

Stars Insider

21/03/25 | StarsInsider


In 1974, a Hungarian professor of architecture named Ernő Rubik cobbled together a cube made from wood and paper, held by rubber bands, glue, and paper clips. A few years later, he applied for a patent to market his invention, a puzzle game that eventually became known as the Rubik's Cube. It would go on to become the most popular puzzle toy in the world, selling in its hundred of millions and challenging its users into solving one of the most difficult brainteasers ever devised.

Fifty years after its debut, this deceptively simple puzzle is finding a new audience in Generation Z, and remains as compelling and demanding as ever. But why is the Rubik's Cube still the planet's best-selling puzzle game?

Click through this gallery and learn more about how a cube conquered the world.

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