What’s the creation myth in Norse mythology?

Vikings believed that the universe was made from fire and ice

Stars Insider

25/11/24 | StarsInsider


The universe as we know it today was believed by the Vikings to be something completely different. They conceived of a universe that was created in a way that science has not been able to substantiate, and so it has become known as a creation myth. In Norse mythology, the creation myth is a vivid and complex tapestry of primordial forces, cosmic realms, and divine interventions, and it unfolds in a universe centered around a great sacred ash tree called Yggdrasil, which holds the nine worlds in its branches and roots.

From the creation of Earth to the rise of the godly realms, what does the Norse creation myth say about how the universe began? According to the Vikings, how does the tale of our universe start, and how does it end? Click through this gallery to find out.

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