Why is Gen Z obsessed with smelling good?

The story behind Gen Z’s craze for luxury fragrances

Stars Insider

02/01/25 | StarsInsider


In every nation across the globe, identity is something that almost every person carefully crafts, layers, and oftentimes reimagines. Although there are dozens of ways that this can be done, Gen Z has turned to an unexpected medium for self-expression: fragrance. Once a subtle accessory, perfume has evolved into a cultural phenomenon for this generation, acting as both a personal muse and a sensory journey. Today’s young fragrance enthusiasts aren’t just spritzing for scent—they’re cultivating entire aesthetic identities around fragrance.

In 2023, the global perfume market size was valued at about US$48 billion, and now social media has only added to this booming industry. But why is Gen Z so willing to throw their money at bottles of expensive fragrances? Click through this gallery to find out.

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