Do animals have dominant 'hands' like humans?

Is your pet a lefty or a righty?

Stars Insider

6 hours ago | StarsInsider


When it comes to humans, around 90% of us are right-handed while the remaining 10% are left-handed. Up until recently, it was believed that animals didn't have a preference, but modern research has shown that the majority of animals do choose to use one hand (or paw, hoof, or tentacle!) over the other(s). It also seems that animals have higher instances of left-handedness than humans. In fact, the pet sitting on your couch right now could be left-handed and you never knew. Perhaps when you ask a dog for a paw, they're inadvertently showing you which paw is dominant. 

Curious to know which animal species are left- or right-handed? Then check out this gallery to learn more.

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