The countries with the shortest working hours in the world

Does your nation enjoy a short workweek?

Stars Insider

17 hours ago | StarsInsider


Around the world, the average workweek can range from less than 40 hours in length to close to 50 hours, with the global average hours worked per week estimated at around 41.1, according to a survey conducted by the Geneva-based International Labour Organization (ILO). But which countries enjoy the shortest workweeks? The ILO study lists 188 nations as having the shortest working hours. This figure is based on projected 2024 values using the latest available statistics published in November 2023, drawn from full- and part-time employees in traditional employment agreements as well as self-employed workers. But in this gallery we've whittled down the numbers to list the top 30 nations with the shortest working hours in the world. Is your country among them?

Clock on and click through to find out.

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