The oldest bank in history

The African desert has been home to many of humanity’s firsts

Stars Insider

3 hours ago | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Architecture

Some of the oldest banks in the world can be found in various places around Europe, and they are shockingly still running to this day. But despite how many centuries they have lasted and how many people have walked their halls, there is a banking system that is far older. Nestled in many locations of Morocco’s Atlas Mountains are a group of granaries that stand as silent sentinels of a bygone era. These weathered, stone fortresses are remnants of a past where the lifeblood of entire tribes and communities were stored.

These granaries form part of recorded history’s oldest banks, and despite their rapidly growing disuse, they are still around to be seen by tourists and travelers. Curious? Click through this gallery to uncover the fascinating history of these African wonders.

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